3 Ways To Borrow Money Despite Having Bad Credit Most lenders look for perfect credit score and sufficient income before approving loans to borrowers. If your lender is in this category, then it can be hard for you to get approved. Others will approve you, but the loans will have higher interest rates thus you’ll...
Category: <span>Moneylender Singapore</span>
Benefits of Debt Review (2017 Update)
Benefits of Debt Review A debt review is not a magic wand, which makes your financial worries disappear forever with a single swish. It is a pragmatic strategy that helps you get out of an unfavorable debt situation quickly and with minimum injuries. Things can go out of hand sometimes. However, always remember there’re...
Time-Barred Debts: Important Things You Should Know About Them (2016 Update)
Time-Barred Debts: Important Things You Should Know About Them It refers to debts that have over live the limit, to the extent that it’s difficult for your creditors to sue you. The duration which a loan can become time-barred is dictated by the law. In many countries, the period is between 3 to 6 years. But it...
Top 10 Tips to Manage Your Finances (2016 Update)
How to Manage Your Finances? Managing money is something only few people are good at. Not everyone earning money uses it wisely. If you are one of those many people and you are having problems to manage your finances, then no need to worry. Here are 10 tips that will help you to use your...
Top 4 Best Habits in Managing Your Finances (2016 Update)
Best Habits in Managing Your Finances The success or the failure of one’s life always depend on their habits. If you have more good habits than bad, then the chances are the overall outcome of your life is good. This happens the other way around as well. We all like a world within which money...
3 Tips on How to Unclutter Your Financial Life (2016 Update)
3 Tips on How to Unclutter Your Financial Life Thanks to the educational system which does not give children a good financial education, letting them go into the society as financially illiterate adults. Most of the people out there have extremely cluttered financial lives. Since you are reading this article, there is a chance that...
Top 3 Tips on How to Save Money (2016 Update)
Top 3 Tips on How to Save Money While living paycheck to paycheck, there is no doubt about it that it is hard to save up any money at all. Not only that, it also becomes harder to pay for sudden emergencies. Which will result in near impossible to save some for retirement. As soon as...
5 Questions to Ask Before Getting into Debt (2016 Update)
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting into Debt In our current fast pace society with ever growing needs, it has become almost impossible to live without debts. Be it taking a loan to buy a car, a home or even to finance our own needs. The most important thing is for us to pay...
Top 4 Things to Consider When Taking A Loan (2016 Update)
What to Consider When Taking A Loan Many people are in need of loans for various reasons, some credible, others not so credible. Taking up a loan is a personal decision that can affect the borrower’s financial well being. Either positively or negatively. If the money is being borrowed to be invested in appreciating assets or...
6 Simple Steps to Manage Your Little Income (2016 Update)
6 Simple Steps to Manage Your Little Income 1. Budget Your Income It’s financially wise, especially if you’re earning low, to budget your earnings. By budgeting your money, you’ll come to know exactly how you spend your income and whether you’re spending more than you earn. With your little income and with a good...